Greetings Everyone!
I sincerely hope you all had a good Thanksgiving! I'm grateful to all who shared it with me and the Trio (Jimmy MacBride & Chris Smith with Stantawn Kendrick sitting in for a tune!) at Mezzrow jazz Club in NYC...sold out all 4 shows!! It was a blast as usual!
The Christmas EP I've been working on took a little longer than expected, but is now available on BandCamp and iTunes! As this is my first Christmas away from Candy girl who is living full-time with my parents in VA, I wanted to dedicate this to her. It's a few Christmas Classics in the solo piano format, but the thing I’m most proud of is the artwork so wonderfully done by my Goddaughter, Zoe (at age 5)! Please share to anyone you think this would interest!
And, after a very long dormancy, I'm finally getting tunes up on YouTube. So, Silent Night, Sleigh Ride and All I Want for Christmas is You are up and running on my YouTube Channel with many more to come. If you'd like a little calm right now, here's Silent Night:
And, if you happen to be in the Los Angeles area, take a little break and join me, Katie Thiroux and Matt Witek at Contrapuntal Hall this Thursday, December 19!! It's almost sold out, so I'm looking forward to seeing a few of you there!
Thanks again for all your support!